ஸ்ரீ அமிர்தவல்லி நாயகா சமேத ஸ்ரீ சௌமிய தாமோதர பெருமாள்

Maps & Directions

Directions from Landmark - Bus Stand:

Get down at Villvakkam Bus terminus and look for North Side, walk into the adjacent lane of Selvam Sweet Stall. Walk for a few minutes, you're in front of Damodara Perumal now!.

Directions from Landmark - Railway Station:

Get down at Villivakkam Railway Station. Ask for RPF Police station exit. Walk nearer to the Auto stand and enter into the small adjacent lane. Catch the straight road from there, walk for approximately 4-5 minutes, you'll be able to see the Kovil Gopuram now!.