

Trisha Agrawal

Undergraduate Student, Biomedical Sciences

Linn Ayres

Cell Culture, Small Animal and Tissue Engineering Core, Center for Lung Biology, College of Medicine

Keith C. Battle

Ph. D. Student, Basic Medical Sciences

Jessica Bell

Cell Culture, Small Animal and Tissue Engineering Core, Center for Lung Biology, College of Medicine

Anna Koloteva

Cell Culture, Small Animal and Tissue Engineering Core, Center for Lung Biology, College of Medicine

Sunita S. Paudel, M.S.

Ph. D. Candidate, Basic Medical Sciences

Dhananjay T. Tambe, Ph. D.

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering

Director, Cell Culture, Small Animal and Tissue Engineering Core

Adjunct Professor, Pharmacology, College of Medicine

Member, Center for Lung Biology, College of Medicine


Ningyong Xu, Ph. D.

Postdoctoral scholar

Currently, Research Associate at University of Alabama at Birmingham

Gnyata Patel

Undergraduate Honors Student

Currently, Medical Student, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Alyson Nguyen

Undergraduate Honors Student

Currently, Medical Student, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Shivani Ananthasekar, B.S.

Undergraduate Honors Student

Currently, Medical Student, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Neel G. Patel, M.S., M.B.A.

Mechanical Engineering