About the Teacher & Contact Info

Teacher: Kim Dickerson Sullivan


Sixth Grade/ Seventh Grade Language Arts/

Sixth Grade Boys Social Studies

Contact Information

Email: kim.sullivan@smithcountyschools.net

Phone: 601-785-6942 (Taylorsville High School)


First of all, I absolutely love teaching. I love teaching and enjoy watching my students get excited when they have learned something, especially when it was a challenge for them.

I would like to briefly tell you something about myself. I am a proud mom because both of my sons followed in my footsteps and became teachers also. My oldest son, Coach (Joseph) White teaches at THS, and my youngest son, Coach (Landon) White teaches at Raleigh. In the summer of 2016, I remarried. Paul Max Sullivan, and I had a beautiful beach wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama. In April 2017, I was blessed with a beautiful granddaughter who definitely holds my heart in her hands.

I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, but when my parents returned to their home in the south, I became a southerner. I would have it no other way. I love the south and the southern hospitality. After I had my two sons, I started substituting in the Smith County School District, and then I was asked to become an assistant. After a few years, I decided that I wanted to go to college and become a teacher. I went to Jones County Junior College and then went to the University of Southern Mississippi where I graduated with highest honors with a Bachelor of Science Degree (K-8 Education). After a couple of years of teaching, I continued my education and graduated with highest honors from William Carey College with a Masters Degree in Education.

I have been teaching many years and have taught every subject (except Math) at one time or another. I have taught seventh, sixth, fifth, third, and second grade. I consider every year a new adventure! I admit that I have high expectations of my students and want each and every one of them to learn at their highest potential, so that they will be prepared for their continuing education. I consider myself an old fashioned teacher. I like to get in my classroom and let the learning begin. I expect respect, responsibility, and a positive attitude to be key components for my students. I feel if they have these essential component when they enter my room, they are ready and willing to learn and they will! My desire for my students is for them to learn at their highest potential, so they will be successful and prepared for whatever awaits them in their future..

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

Dr. Suess from his book, Oh The Places you'll Go!