About Us 關於我們

聖瑪利天主教學校及華人中心 838 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108. 415.929.4690 www.stmarysf.com

聖瑪利中文中學 838 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108. 415.929.4692 www.smcls.org


創校以來學校校友皆貢獻社會,其中包括首位三藩市華裔市參議員劉貴明,三藩市警察部長方宇文, 美國著名作家及紐伯瑞文學獎得主葉祥添士丹福大學現任教務總監,六方會談(朝鮮核武談判)軍事研究專家。



聖瑪利中文中學校的教育理念是:教育學生追求學術上與個人品格上的完美,依據歷久不變的核心價值獻身學術,以自身的言行體現榮譽、尊敬、誠摯和責任, 為社區以至社會的更大的福祉而努力開創一個成功的未來。

Mission Statement and Statement of Philosophy

The Mission of the St. Mary's Chinese Language School is to provide every student with opportunities to learn and preserve the Chinese language, history, culture and enabling students to be enriched by thousands of years of proud Chinese heritage.

The St. Mary's Chinese Language School community's educational philosophy is for students to pursue academic and personal excellence using the long-standing core values of dedication in studies, demonstration of honor and respect, and sincerity and responsibility towards a successful future for the greater good of the community and beyond.