CubeSat Database

Baby, We're Back!

It took a minute, but the site is now retooled to take advantage of my new data partnership with Slingshot Aerospace's Seradata database.


This page contains my working list analyses of all CubeSats that have flown. I do not keep track of upcoming launches, as (a) launch dates and published manifests change up to the last minute, including after launch, and (b) I have a day job.

Speaking of day jobs, you won't find the list of CubeSats anymore; keeping track of an average of 1 new CubeSat every day was too much for any one person to manage. I now use Slingshot Aerospace's Seradata service, augmented with my own work and the other references.

Click on the links below to jump to a section, or keep scrolling to see everything.

[Source: XKCD. Click on the image to visit the site, but be prepared to lose the next hour or so scrolling through the comics...]



Part 1: Sources of Data These are some of the key places where I gather spacecraft data. (Not counting personal communications/web scouring, of course.)

Part 2: Other Databases I don't draw my data from these sites, but that says nothing about the quality of their work. [Hint: It's high-quality work.]

Part 3: Student Collaborators. Many students have contributed to the management of this database

Part 4: My work My own papers/presentations on the subject. These papers cover not just CubeSats, but also secondary spacecraft and university-class spacecraft. They are listed with the most recent, first.