
Hydr - Water (Greek)

Aqua - Water (Latin)

Mar/Mer - Sea (Latin)

Vis/Vid - See, look (Latin) 

Aud - Hear (Latin)

Phon - Sound (Latin)

Mem - Mindful recall (Latin)

Ology - The study of (Greek)

Sci - To know (Latin)

Cycle - Circle (Greek)

Circ/Circum - Around (Latin)

Centr/Center - Middle (Greek)

Dict - Say declare (Latin)

Scrib/Script - Write (Latin)

Graph/Gram - Write, draw, describe record (Greek)

Chron - Time (Greek)

Temp - Time (Latin)

Loc - Place (Latin)

Mob/Mot - Move (Latin)

Tract - Pull (Latin)

Tend/Tens/Tent - Stretch, give (Latin)

Hosp - Guest (Latin)

Onym - Name (Greek)

Host - Stranger, Enemy (Latin)

Bio - Life (Greek)

Photo - Light (Greek)

Phil - Love (Greek)

Plur - More (Latin)

Multi/Poly - Many (Greek)

Mega - Million, Great, Large (Greek)

Mono - One (Greek)

Uni - One (Latin)

Sol - Alone, Lonely (Latin)

Bi - Two (Latin)

Du - Two (Latin)

Ambi/Amphi - Both (Greek)

Tri - Three (Greek)

Quad/Quar - Four (Latin)

Penta/Quint - Five (Greek/Latin)

Hex/Sex - Six (Latin)

Sept - Seven (Latin)

Oct - Eight (Greek)

Non/Nov - Nine (Latin)

Deci/Deca - Ten (Greek)

Cent - Hundred (Latin)

Anim - Spirit, Soul, Life (Latin)

Carn - Meat, Flesh (Latin)

Phys - Nature (Greek)

Fals/Fall - Deceive, Lie, Wrong (Latin)

Cert/Cred - Believe, Sure, Trust (Latin)

Phob - Fear (Greek)

Arm - Army, Weapon (Latin)

Fen - Strike (Latin)

Cid/Cis - Cut Off, Kill, Briefly (Latin)

Vi - Way, Road (Latin)

Urb - City (Latin)

Terr - Land, Earth (Latin)