
Raymond Hess

MS Student: Studying water use and soil hydraulic properties of aspen and spruce in East River Watershed, CO, USA

Nicole Butler

MS Student: Modeling plant water use in a unique Sahelian Agroecosystem

Dr. Nate Bogie

PI: Cheerleader, guide, learner 

Melissa Schott-Atkins

Undergraduate Researcher: Chemistry of hot and cold springs of Henry Coe State Park

Ellie Murdoch

Violet Vagt

Arya Parekh

Lab Alumni

Calvin Chan

Undergraduate Researcher

Brendan Boulais

Undergraduate Researcher

Nick Edholm

Undergraduate Researcher

Mai Arata

Undergraduate Researcher

Ali Zahori

Nick Riqueros

MS Student: Examining links between agricultural soil management, soil hydrologic properties, and deep percolation of water