Welcome to Ms. Maltese's Class

Welcome to Ms. Maltese's First Grade Classroom!

The Amazing First Graders of Room 17

Viviana, Oliver, Paul, Luke B., Gabrielle, Johnathan, Liam, Matthew, Szymon, Ximena, Chance, Jaden, Sofia, Aiden, Pola, Amaya, Tristan, Isabela, Felix, Luke Y., Amelia, Andrea

We will have so much fun this year!

If you have any questions, please send me an email (cmaltese@sjbschool.org) or a message through Seesaw.


Please bring a small healthy snack and water to school daily, including the first day of school.

Make sure your child has a refillable water bottle. Due to Covid, the drinking fountains are off. We have a fountain that we can use to refill water bottles.

We have allergies.

No Nuts Please!

Students can bring in individually wrapped treats that are made in a 

nut-free facility, or non-food items as birthday treats!


Check Take-Home Folders for homework assignments!

Important Dates

May 22 - Field Trip to Lincoln Park Zoo - Signed permission slip and money are due Friday, May 10!

May 27 - Memorial Day - No School

June 6 - School Picnic

June 7 - Last Day of School - Have a great and safe summer!