
  • Each team must carry out the project work on the allotted topic, and submit a report on or before 20/11/2017 to student coordinator

      • SNEHA T Team-6,2,11, and 8

      • TEJUS S. R. Team-1,3,9, and 5

    • RAVICHANDRA T. Team-4,7, and 10

  • Soft copy of the report (use MS Word 2007, filename should be Team#numberrev#number) must be submitted to faculty via email to from the corresponding coordinator not later than 22/11/2017

  • Download the first page template for the report preparation

Guidelines for preparing the report

  1. Use Times New Roman font size 12 for text and font size 14 for headings, and 1.5 spacing between lines. Use 2.5 cm margins all around.

  2. Term paper report should be at least 4 to 5 pages long and should not exceed 8 pages, including all figures, tables, graphs, and list of references.

  3. Project report title should be same as the allotted topic, followed by your name, USN, semester, faculty name and affiliations

  4. All sources (paper, textbook, and websites) must be referenced in IEEE style ( )