Important Health Office Information For Parents, Please Read

Health and Screening Programs

Physical Examinations:

Kindergarten students are to have a Physical, Dental, and Vision examinations prior to school entrance. It is also recommended that students entering Grades 4 and 9 have a complete physical.


The Siren School Health Office provides a vision screening program for students. Selected grades are screened annually. Please call your school office or child's teacher to make a request for your child to have a vision screening if he/she seems to be having a problem.


The Siren School Health Office also provides a hearing screening program for students. Selected grades are screened annually. If you suspect that your child is having a difficulty hearing please contact your school office or your child's teacher for a hearing screening.



S.252.04 Wis. Stats.

This law requires students through grade 12 to be immunized according to their age/grade by the beginning of the school year.

Immunization is shared responsibility:

► Parents are required to have their children immunized on schedule and keep accurate records. If a student is unable to receive immunization for medical, religious or personal conviction reasons, a waiver must be signed and given to the school. A medical waiver requires a physician signature.

► Schools are required to keep records and annually review the Immunization Law.

Please notify the School Health Office with any changes in your child’s immunization record.

► In the event that a student does not meet the requirements of the immunization law:

1. Parents will be notified by a legal notice sent from the school nurse.

2. If the student is not in compliance after receiving the legal notice, we will start a exclusion period.

3. If your family chooses not to get immunizations you can sign a waiver.


Keep a copy of your child’s immunization record. Notify your child’s school each time your child receives an immunization.


Please give medications at home whenever possible; however, if medication is needed during the school day, the following is necessary:

Prescription Medication

A doctor’s signature with written instructions.

Written consent, with parent’s signature, is needed for the school to administer the medication.

Medication must be brought to school, by a Parent or Guardian, in a properly labeled prescription bottle from the pharmacy where it was obtained.

Non-prescription Medication

Written consent, with parent’s signature, is needed for the school to administer the medication.

Medication must be in the original container, labeled with the student’s name and brought into school by a Parent or Guardian.

Medication forms are available in the school office.

► Students may not have medications in their possession, except for emergency medications:

These are: Asthma Inhalers, Epipen an

Glucagon. These may be carried only if we receive a doctor’s order and parent’s signature.

► A Parent or Guardian must deliver and pick-up all medications. Paperwork can be filled out at this time. Please note: a student could be expelled for carrying or transporting a medication.

► A new medication form is needed each time the medication is changed.

► A new medication form is needed for each school year.

2-4 yrs. 4DTP* 3Polio* 1MMR 3HepB 1Varicella

KD. 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

1st Gr. 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

2nd Gr. 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

3rd Gr. 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

4th Gr. 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 1Varicella

5th Gr. 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 1Varicella

6th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

7th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

8th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

9th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella

10th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 1Varicella

11th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 1Varicella

12th Gr. Tdap 4DTP* 3Polio* 2MMR 3HepB 2Varicella


New Requirements:

New Varicella (Chickenpox) Immunization Requirements

A child meets the requirement of the law if either a vaccination date is provided or the year that the child had the chickenpox disease is provided. Waivers are available for medical, religious or personal conviction reasons.

Tdap is also a new Requirement:

Your child is compliant if he/she has received a tetanus containing vaccine such as Td within 5 years of the grade in which Tdap is required.

Please contact the School Health Office or the Burnett County Public Health Office with any questions.

*Kindergarteners must have one dose of DPT (either the 3rd, 4th, or 5th) after their 4th birthday.

*Kindergarten and Grades 1-12 if your child received the 3rd dose of polio after their 4th birthday, further doses are not required

The first MMR must have been received on or after the first birthday.