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Chris Chadwell
LEADER of scientific EXPEDITIONS & botanical TOURS in the HIMALAYA
ARTICLES (& books) written by Chris
COMPLAINT against dishonest BBC
Turn Ladakh deserts GREEN - why Indian government not interested?
What SERVICES does CHRIS provide?
BBC HARMS Himalaya, KILLING poor Nepalese, aiding corrupt officials! Wicked Indian government laws will lead to extinction of plants - BUT NOBODY CARES...
WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE PROJECT? Launched to save genuinely rare flora of NW Himalaya, abandoned to its fate by Indian authorities.
"Rape & Destruction" of Himalayan flora by Indian botanists, falsely claiming this to be 'ex-situ' conservation .. Discover the TRUTH!
'Critically Endangered' Himalayan plants which are no such thing!
'STUPID' Indian laws to 'protect' flora will LEAD to EXTINCTIONS!
Botanical Survey of India - NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE! Isolationist & Lazy
FALSE entries CITES (Convention International Trade in Endangered Species)
Convention on Biological Diversity - have duties been implemented?
Convention on Biological Diversity - have its requirements been implemented?
How to GENUINELY conserve rare plants around the world? Disband
KOHLI Memorial GOLD Medals - significant CONTRIBUTIONS study ... conservation Himalayan flora
'Christ of Himalayan plants' - saintly glow; simplicity; great person'! Chris could have readily earned an additional ÂŁ2 million during his working life! Was he a big fool not to do so, instead focussing upon the study, cultivation and conservation of Himalayan flora?
Where have all the flowers gone? Project to save the 'real' rare plants
What is damaging the environment and colonies of flower species in the Himalaya; why are the BBC not interest in the truth?
BRITAIN-NEPAL MEDICAL TRUST - BBC lies end Chris' fund-raising..
Legitimate to have had seed collected, to help conserve Himalayan flora?
'Draconian' Indian laws to 'protect' flora cause harm - 'smoke-screen' to
Beware of Fraudulent charities
Himalayan plants grown in private gardens - aiding Himalayan flora
How to save the peoples, environment & flora of Himalaya from destruction
'Flowers fit for a Dalai Lama Project'
Beautiful Wild Flowers of Ladakh (Little Tibet)
Acantholimon - Waldheimia
Beautiful Wild Flowers of Kashmir's Mountains
Beautiful Wild Flowers of Lahaul - borderlands Western Tibet
Beautiful Wild Flowers of Kulu Valley - NW Himalaya
Beautiful Mountain Flowers of Nepal - 'Land of the Gurkha
Beautiful Mountain Flowers of Pakistan Himalaya & Karakoram
Beautiful Flowers of Bhutan - 'Land of the Thunder Dragon
Plant Conservation & Botanical Projects in the Himalaya
FLORA of LADAKH ('Little Tibet')
Plant Photography in the Himalaya
Plant Photography in the Himalaya 2
A-Z North-West Himalayan Flora - virtual photographic 'herbarium'
Chris RISKED LIFE & health to properly study Himalayan flora; whilst COWARDLY, IDLE, CORRUPT Indian botanists sit in offices INVENTING supposedly 'endangered' species!
Chris respects peoples of Himalaya
CONSULTANT Royal Gov't, Bhutan
BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS of the HIMALAYA photographic guides
FAKE Conference Reports
INCOMPETENT & Fraudulent CAMP Methodology SCANDALOUSLY accepted by International Bodies! Why no BBC investigation? Corruption....
Beware of fraud in Himalayan conservation - too many 'gullible' celebrities & international bodies!
Flowers fit for DALAI LAMA Project
Planting 'native' tree species in Ladakh
'Open Access' Journals - 'dodgy'?
Suggestions for Indian Government
Beware of False Information on the Internet and in Journals
Observations on life
Suicidal: BULLIED & RIDICULED AT SCHOOL - traumatic; deleterious impact for over 50 years....
HOW did CHRIS Chadwell's EXPEDITIONS to HIMALAYA begin? BADLY! Betrayed by incompetent Southampton University team ...
As a child in Cranleigh in 1960s
Stevenage in 1970s
Alan White - inspirational teacher at the Barclay School, Stevenage
Barclay School Conservation Corps in Hertfordshire then on to National Trust Conservation Camps
Lab' Assistant, Unilever Ltd (1976-77)
Dr (now Professor) Peter Edwards - top lecturer at University of Southampton in 1970s
Botany Ph.D. that never was ...
University Hill-walking, Caving/Pot-holing, Rock-climbing clubs
Do you expect stupid people to love you for showing them up?
Southampton University Royal Naval Unit (1977-80)
Challenging racist attitudes ....
Coming to rescue of people about to be assaulted; police training helped
Chris Chadwell: enterprising, hard-working, honest and reliable!
Chris Chadwell's Reputation
Disgraceful article by UK journalist destroyed reputation Nepalese porter died saving foreigners!
Further background information about Chris Chadwell
Police Constable (briefly); invaluable training for challenging situations
Labour candidate in local election
Team-leader survey of riverside vegetation, Wales (UWIST)
Prem Nath Kohli
British Wild Flowers
'Flowers of Iver & District Blog'
UK Travel BLOG (places & plants)
Aliens - escapes!
Ferns & fern Allies
Mushrooms & toadstools (Simon Hill, Mycologist, Remembered)
Mosses & liverworts
Hedgerows & woodlands
Streams, marshes & bogs
Meadows & pastures
Flora Cardiganshire Arthur Chater
Every species in Langley Tetrad (2km x 2km) for B.S.B.I. 2020 Atlas
Surveyor, Wales Field Unit, NCC
Conservation of British Flowers
Conserving wildlife habitats is not 'preservation'!
Contributions to Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland (B.S.B.I.)
Iver Heath Fields
How to improve your plant identification skills
Studies of the Flora of Astonbury Wood, Herts
Wild Flowers of Buckinghamshire
Vegetation of river corridors Upper Wye, Upper Severn & Upper Usk
Extinction British & Himalayan species
Chadwells of Iver & district
Chadwells in Iver since 1720; in & around Slough since 1600s
Pamela Chadwell (nee Channon) - genealogist and local historian
Flt Lt John Chadwell - Lancaster bomber pilot at end of WWII
Antony 'Tony' Chadwell
Lt. Leonard Chadwell MC
Douglas Chalk NDH, horticultural adviser, lecturer & nurseryman
The Acland connection - Sir Richard, co-founder CND & 'Common Wealth' political party, admirable idealist
Prof' Bob Newnham - an American cousin to be proud of
'Crooked Streets'.. poor must die
Chris Chadwell
Labour candidate in local election
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