Exit letter

Your street address

City, state zip code

Date - Month, day, year (May 28, 2015)





Your signature

Goal: Write three (3) exit letters: you may want to choose: K-4 – one

5-8 – two

Ideas: homeroom teacher, classroom teacher, counselor, secretary, principal, teacher aid, coach, parent, or other person.

If you did not attend elementary school in Shenandoah, or you have just moved here this year, write to someone from this year. You could also write to a family member.

Use colored paper and write with the white lined sheet under the paper to help you keep lines straight. This will be graded according to standard w.8.10. I can write a reflection to a specific audience. You will receive one grade per letter for a total of three.

Use specific examples to show the person what you remember or what meant a great deal to you, or to describe a memorable event.

Letters written to someone on staff will be placed in that person’s mailbox. Others will be mailed to that person.