E-Learning Day Information

(Google Classroom)

In the case of a situation in which school cannot take place, an e-learning day may be called.. You will always be notified by Shelbyville Central Schools of a school cancellation or an e-learning day. Please keep these instructions in the back of your child’s folder to be prepared in case an e-learning day would take place. If you misplace this information, you may email me and I will get it to you as soon as possible.

There are multiple ways for students to access Google Classroom. Google Classroom is best used while running the Google Chrome web browser, however this is not required. Using your Internet browser, type classroom.google.com in the URL bar and help your child fill in his/her Google Classroom username and password. You may be directed to log into an account instead of reaching the classroom screen.

Once logged in, click on the classroom announcement to watch a short introductory video and to view the teacher office hours. Each class page has three sections, Stream, Classroom, and People. The section that will be in use most is “Classwork.” The “Stream” may be used for classroom announcements and submitted in “Classwork” section. Students will have one week to complete all assignments, unless otherwise noted.

Thank you,

Mrs. Cory