Common Classroom Procedures

The following is list of procedures common to each classroom for the 7th grade red team.

1. Written work will only be accepted if completed in pencil or blue or black ink. Some assignments will be completed on Chrome Books and must be "submitted" on time.

2. A signed hall pass is always needed to go anywhere.

3. No daily homework assignments are to be accepted late in the major subject areas. No student may go to their locker to get homework. Longterm assignments/projects will be accepted late with a 10% deduction for each day late. After 5 days late no credit will be given.

4. Seventh graders must always have a book to read.

5. PROCEDURES FOR MAKE-UP WORK: Any students missing school during the school year must make up work in a timely fashion. Students who have advanced knowledge of an absence should request work for the time of the absence prior to the absence. All work must be submitted on the due date following the absence. Students must ask their teachers for a deadline for acceptance of work. If the student fails to make up the work in the specified time, there will be no credit given. All missed work is the student’s responsibility.

6. For all collected work that does not have a preprinted heading, please use the following format:

Assignment Name

Date Period

7. Each classroom will have a central area that contains makeup work – “makeup work station.”