

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Wilson Elementary Instrumental Music Program.   We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year!  Wilson takes pride in being able to offer instrumental music classes.   Although we consider participation in instrumental music programs a right of all students, we do expect certain standards of each student enrolled in this class:

It is our goal to produce an outstanding instrumental music program.   It is also our belief that students learn more and develop better self-discipline, responsibility, and knowledge, as well as take more pride in superior programs than poor ones.   Excellence takes a commitment.   We should not allow ourselves to strive for anything less.


The instrumental music classes meet once a 6 day cycle for lessons and once for advanced orchestra students.   The nature of this class requires the development of skills, concepts, and attitudes to be learned in class.   Often these skills must be demonstrated apart from class via many forms of performances.   The broad objectives of the class are to improve playing skills, play a wide variety of musical literature, expand the students knowledge of history, sound and techniques of music, and enjoy the gift of music!

Member Responsibilities

By joining instrumental music, you become an important team member.   Each and every one of you is equally important to the success of the team.   Therefore, the musicians in this group are asked to abide by the following:


Student Performance Expectations

Audience Concert Etiquette

(Adapted from MENC Teacher Success kit by Randy Hise.)

Concert Dress

Girls and Boys


The following will be expected of all members:

Parent Communication

Should there be any problems or concerns, please feel free to email me or call me at:


610.670.0180 ext. 3004

Practice and Attendance

At home practice is an essential part of a students' development on their instrument.   Students are required to practice at home.   Students should set a goal for each practice session.   Keep practicing until the goal is reached.  It's called STRIVE FOR FIVE.   We are looking  for 5 practice logins in between lessons.  This could be anywhere from 15-30 minutes per practice session.  The amount of time a student spends is not as important as the reaching of the goal.  You want your child to make a positive relationship with their instrument.  It will become their best friend.  Make sure you fill out your practice chart!  It is educationally sound for students to attend class on a regular basis.  Since we only meet once a 6 day cycle, it is imperative to remember your instrument/music and come to lessons so you do not fall behind.

Great Practice Article!

Final Words

Wilson has one of the finest music programs.  Together, we can build on this program and make this a successful year.  Please feel free to contact us at school should you have any questions or concerns.  Your child's success in instrumental music not only depends upon their dedication and commitment, but also on parent support.   Here are some thoughts as we enter into this new school year.

We are looking forward to an enjoyable and prosperous year and encourage you to take part in your child's music education as well as their academic progress.