Project Lead the Way Class Rules and Agreements

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your son or daughter is enrolled in ____________________________ this school year. This course is part of Wilson’s Project Lead the Way Engineering Academy. The Wilson Technology & Engineering Education Department wants to extend our excitement about having your student in class. The course will be challenging and rigorous; however, with hard work and perseverance, we are sure your son or daughter will reach a high level of success and have fun along the way. The following rules and guidelines have been established to ensure student success throughout our Engineering Pathway. If you have questions throughout the year, please feel free to contact us.

College Credit Opportunities

In many ways, Project Lead the Way classes are much like Advanced Placement courses. Students can earn college credit for their work in a Project Lead the Way class. To access additional information online about college credit, please visit:

Safety Guidelines and Requirements

Project Lead the Way classes involve the use of specialized equipment and tools. Students are required to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and teacher. At any time, the teacher has the right to prohibit the use of tools and equipment by a student. Students are required to pass safety tests and/or demonstrations. Failure to pass may result in a student’s prolonged inability to use equipment and participate in class. This will impact a student’s grade if the assignment requires the use of the equipment. A teacher can prevent a student’s access to equipment for the following reasons (the following list provides examples for why a student may be prohibited; however, the teacher reserves the right to suspend student involvement at his or her discretion, for any reason.)

  • Unsatisfactory academic performance
  • Unsatisfactory behavior
  • Not following classroom rules
  • Not performing classroom responsibilities
  • Abusing equipment, supplies and lab privileges
  • Damage to supplies or equipment resulting from student negligence, abuse, or misuse will result in student financial responsibility for replacement or repair. The financial obligation will exist until resources are restored to their original state.
  • Absences
  • Suspected drug or alcohol abuse
  • Behavior that endangers self, other students and/or lab equipment/machines

Cell Phone Policy

The use of cell phones/devices other than the school issued Chromebook is prohibited. Students are required to keep personal devices out of visibility. Any usage during instructional time will result in disciplinary action, without warning.

Lab Access and Usage

Students are permitted to utilize the Technology and Engineering labs only during their designated Technology and Engineering class period. Students may obtain a Bulldog Period pass in advance to attend and utilize the labs during that time. Passes are distributed at the teacher’s discretion.

Email/Phone Contact

All student or parent communications will be addressed within two school days from receipt, during school hours.

Student Participation and Performance

Wilson Project Lead the Way classes require students to achieve a score of 80% on all introductory assignments to become eligible for participation in a major assignment (major assignments are denoted by teachers and highlighted in the class syllabus.) In the event that a student completes an introductory assignment and scores lower than an 80%, he or she must retry the assignment until the 80% has been achieved. Project Lead the Way classes contain material that must be learned in a sequential manner. In essence, student must crawl before they can walk, and walk before they can run. Maintaining student performance throughout the course of the school year will help to ensure that students reach a high level of success on each and every assignment. In the event that a student receives below an 80%, no major assignments will be accepted until the unsatisfactory assignment is corrected, and the student forfeits the right to participate in any retake availability. For the time being, all major assignments will be scored as incomplete. By the end of any given quarter, incompletes will be scored as zeros and the student forfeits the right to complete the outstanding assignments. Teachers reserve the right to penalize a student for late work.

By signing this agreement, you are stating that you have read and agree to the above guidelines. Parents/ Guardians, you also agree to assist your son or daughter in abiding by these guidelines. The Wilson Technology & Engineering Education Department appreciates your support and enthusiasm about this coming school year.

Student Signature_________________________________Date____________

Student Name_____________________________________________________

Parent Signature__________________________________Date_____________

Parent Name______________________________________________________

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