Dot Book Design

The "Dot Book" are small 3" x 5" (or similar) books that is basically your "sheet music" for your visual responsibilities.

Each individual member creates their own. We break the field down into the X axis (left and right side of the field split down the 50, as well as yard lines) and Y axis (Towards and away from the sidelines as well as has marks).

This system allows us to position each member down to the inch, creating clean, easily readable forms.

This is a sample of a chart, from the performer's viewpoint. Let's use performer F1 for example.

F1 is located on Side 1, 3 steps inside the 45 yard line, and 8 steps behind the front sideline. At the same time F1 needs to be in line with the other flutes, clarinets, and trumpets.

The performer's dot book needs to have all of this information attached to their dot book. Instead of trying to squint down and look at each dot, each performer receives one of these:

The performer needs to take the information from each box and apply it to their dot books. So everybody should have the following information. Use the abbreviation guide to write your dots faster!

Abbreviation Guide: