Photo Album

Cuyahoga Valley National Park: Rockin' at the Run

We visited the CVNP Ledges to learn about how rocks change (Weathering, Erosion, Deposition). We got to see all kinds of cool rock formations and the effects of water, wind, and nature on rocks.

Ye Olde Boat Race

We designed water tight containers and boats to protect a small amount of tea from the Boston Tea Party. We raced our boats and found who had the fastest boats to save some tea to enjoy.

Constitution Day

We made wigs and learned the preamble to The Constitution. We talked about what the preamble means and what the constitution does.


Our words are like toothpaste. Once they are squeezed out you can't get them back in.

Save Fred!

Can you and your partner work together to save Fred without touching Fred, the boat, or the life preserver?

Marshmallow Tower

Can you work with a group to create a tower out of noodles, tape and string that can hold up a marshmallow?