Middle School Behavior & Expectations

Students in the middle school are held to a high standard of behavior. As in all grades, we continue to stress respect for self and others. The general middle school discipline procedure uses a choice card similar to those found in high school.

First, the Middle School operates off of a general set of class rules that every teacher uses. They are as follows:

1.) Be in class, seated, and ready for class when the bell rings.

2.) Have all appropriate materials and supplies when you come to class.

3.) Respect the people, equipment and furnishings of the SGM Community

4.) Follow all classroom procedures as they pertain to the classroom activity.

5.) Observe all school rules as detailed in the Electronic Use Agreement and Parent/Student Handbook including at lunch, during recess, and in the library.

Every quarter the choice card resets. Students who do not abide by the expected standard of behavior and guidelines set out in the handbook and/or class rules will receive an infraction mark on their choice card. The initial choice card (green) has five infraction marks. If a student receives five minor infractions in a quarter on the green card, it will result in a 60-minute detention the morning of the next school day beginning at 7:00 am. The homeroom teacher will send parents/guardians notification of an upcoming detention and the parents/guardians will be responsible for signing the back of the choice card and having it returned with the student at the time of the detention.

The student will then receive an orange choice card. The orange choice card is reduced to four infraction marks. If a student fills all the minor infractions in a quarter on the orange card, it will result in a 60-minute detention the morning of the next school day and a parent-teacher conference.

Lastly, the red choice card is reduced to three infraction marks. If a student fills all the minor infractions in a quarter on the red card, it will result in an automatic day of In-School Suspension and a parent-teacher-principal-student conference. Results of the conference may lead to additional consequences. We take student responsibility for carrying their card very seriously and expect them to take care to not lose their card. In the event that a student cannot produce their card at the time of an infraction, the student will automatically receive the assigned consequence as if it were the final infraction on the card and they will then move on to the next level. Students who have not received any detentions during a quarter will be able to participate in the middle school positive incentive.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is any type of unethical behavior in relation to formal academic work. This can include plagiarism, falsification, deception, cheating (both using and providing), sabotage, and impersonation amongst other actions.Academic misconduct is handled as a level-one violation under the school Standards of Behavior for first time offenses. In middle school, student academic misconduct will result in a zero for the assignment in question, a blue slip, notification of the parents and principal. Continued violations move into level two status of the school Standards of Behavior. Please refer to the parent-student handbook for explanations or clarifications of what actions this entails.