7 Ways to build a world class workplace for hiring

As the recruitment process is pretty challenging in 2020, there are some important points to be considered by an IT recruitment agency for giving the best experience for the potential candidates, and to hire the best out of the best. Here is the listing.

  • A good career website

Maintaining a good career website is very necessary in 2021. As the whole world is moving towards digitalization, and the COVID 19 lockdowns have made the people dependent on career websites and social connections inevitably, for getting hired. An IT recruitment agency must work on a strategy to come up with a website that can provide the best experience for exploring jobs by the candidates.

The career page of the company must be designed in a way, where the potential candidate gets a glimpse of the culture of the organisation and pays more attention in exploring the details. Always ensure that the company’s page follows the SEO guidelines and is easy to navigate, so that the job seekers can directly get into the career website easily. An IT consultancy agency can also follow some marketing software for making things easier.

  • A brief job description

An IT recruitment agency must come up with a brief and precise job description which involves the responsibilities of the position. Never make a big list of responsibilities, as the potential candidates can lose interest, rather make a simple one with cut short details. More listings on perks and benefits of getting the job can be explained, as candidates can pay more attention and get involved in the application process.

An effective job advertisement must speak to the candidates directly and will strictly avoid any kind of negativity and discriminations. An IT consultancy agency must look for associating the company’s culture in the job description too, for better understanding of the job by desired candidates.

  • Integration of remote hiring

Though the remote working concept is very common in IT-based industries, it has become the most necessary one in 2021, as people are scared of getting out and going to other cities of just interviews because of the fear of COVID 19. There are more chances that the potential candidate can get lost when there is no remote hiring process in the organisation.

Remote hiring doesn’t mean by sending the resume digitally and getting an offer letter through email. An IT recruitment agency must make the whole hiring process remotely by arranging video meetings and interviews and should instil the company’s culture remotely.

  • Follow up of candidates

Do not take too many days for recruiting. People are offered with hundreds of jobs everyday and they are applying for all the hundreds too. If you are taking a long time and never respond to the candidate’s application, an effective candidate cannot be discovered at any cost. It is always better to send a welcome or a thank you email (by auto generation), once the candidate finishes the application process. This can increase the hope of the candidate for getting selected.

Any IT consultancy agency should be as transparent as possible to the candidates to answer their queries and have to finish the hiring process within a week after the deadline of the application. The follow-up of candidates and ensuring their interest in each and every stage of the hiring process is essential for identifying a good employee.

  • Using AI and machine learning

The advancement of technology has paved the way for many cool things, which involves scanning the resume digitally and live chat sessions on the website by bots. The conventional method of collecting resumes, reading and screening the candidates, and making a call for an interview has become obsolete.

An IT recruitment agency must give the optimum experience for the desired candidates by expanding their technology with AI and machine learning. By doing so, the process can get a lot easier and saves more time than the traditional methods. Also, the candidates can get more interest as the recruitment process proceeds. Never forget to build an application tracking system, as the people can curiously check them often to find out their application status.

  • Feedback of candidates

Though the it consultancy services come up with a website by integrating with all the technological advancements, they could not be enough for the candidates as they may lack the candidate’s perception of a good career website. To build an effective team by recruiting remotely, obviously needs the feedback from the candidates for further improvements.

This can be done by providing a platform after the job application process. Questionnaires or other feedback mechanisms can be followed or an IT recruitment agency can make use of the software available for getting the feedback of the candidates. This can greatly improve the candidate’s view of the company, as they are asking for suggestions from them.

  • Focus on area of expertise

The last but not the least point, for hiring the best candidate, is to focus on skills rather than the educational degree and academic results. The area of expertise of the potential candidate must be found out by applying a good communication strategy with them, and have to hire accordingly.

By giving less importance to the qualification, lowly qualified who are skilled in their field can be discovered, which can be a great addition to your team. Great talents can be discovered from nowhere. Hence, it will be good if the recruiter gives more importance for the communication skills, behavioural response and the skills of the candidate.