
Short Term Vs Long Term Investments – Which is Better?

Investing can be a fantastic way to build wealth and improve your financial situation, but it is also an area that can cause a great deal of confusion for new investors. One of the most common concerns that people have when they are getting started in the world of investing is whether they should be looking to short or long-term investments. This will depend on the investor, but it is important that you get it right in order to achieve your goals and prevent losses.

Short Term Investments

A short term investment is one which you plan to use to meet any financial goals that you have in the near future. Typical short-term goals include things like a deposit on a home and anything when you know that you might need the money soon, so it is helpful if you can withdraw the money when you need access to it.

Typically, when looking at short term investments, people will look to assets like bonds, cash and annuities and this can be an effective way to receive a stable income from your investments over a few years.

Long Term Investments

Long term investments, meanwhile, are those building for the future and often for retirement. These investments provide the opportunity for growth over a long-term as you know that you will not access the money for a long period, which will help you to build wealth. Typically, assets like stocks and real estate make sense when investing in the long term.

There are times where long term investments make a lot of sense, including if you are not retiring for at least another 20 years, you want protection from inflation or if you need a plan for around 10 years in the future.

Using Short & Long Term Investments

It is clear that long and short term investments can be used in completely different ways. It is for this reason why it is intelligent for an investor to have a blend of both, which could help to improve their financial situation both in the short and long-term. Of course, there will always be an element of risk when it comes to investments, which is why it is helpful for an investor to work with an expert investment fund. Investment funds can provide a broader selection of investment opportunities, lower investment fees and better management expertise than an investor could obtain by themselves.

Institutional Portfolio

Investors may also find it beneficial to invest in an institutional portfolio, which is a portfolio managed by an investment fund that pools together funds and invests these in different asset classes and in different sectors. Energy and infrastructure, healthcare and hospitality and leisure are just a few areas that are worth looking into for the long-term. Institutional investors have the advantage of guidance from experts and professional research and greater access to companies, so for those looking to build wealth over time then this is certainly a good option.

Investing can be a great way to build wealth, but investors need to be aware of long and short term investments and use a combination to achieve their goals both in the near and far future.