Seattle Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
Seattle Chapter SAR
The Seattle Chapter Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) is engaged in a variety of programs to promote the patriotic, educational and historical interests resulting from the American War for Independence.
Programs include:
Oration and essay contests for both high school students and Eagle Scouts with scholarships awarded to the winners
Recognition of, and presentation of medals to, college and high school ROTC students
Poster contests for elementary school students, and brochure contests for middle school students
American Revolution presentations to elementary and middle school students
Presentation of medals to public safety officials
Revolutionary War grave dedications
Volunteer work with veterans
Presentation of Flag Certificates to deserving individuals, organizations and schools, and
Participation in historic landmark and battle site observances.
Additionally, we identify and reward school teachers who actively teach colonial American history to their students.
Chapter Meetings
Second Saturday of each month
(except June, July, and August)
Coffee 9:30 AM
Call to Order 10:00 AM
Rainier Chapter DAR House
on Capitol Hill in Seattle
800 E Roy St
Seattle, WA 98102
Parking is limited/street parking available
Seattle Chapter SAR is a chapter of the Washington State Society SAR.