
Reading: Fluency and Comprehension

Celebrate National Family Literacy Day on November 1st with a great read aloud for your family!

Written Language: The writing process. Students are taught the writing process which involves collecting and organization of thoughts using a graphic organizer, creating a rough draft, editing, and producing a final copy. Spelling is also a component of the written language instruction.

Math: Math fact fluency and pre-teaching and re-teaching classroom concepts.

Behavior: Iowa Core 21st Century Skills involve a component regarding work place skills.

Special Requests: If anyone has Magic Tree House books that they no longer want, my students really enjoy them and we can always use more. Also, we can always use regular #2 pencils. Thank you!

Snow Day Activities


Directions: Pick one math site and do a math activity for at least 20 minutes. If your internet isn’t working you can count change around the house. You can read an analog clock. You can play Yahtzee if you have it or monopoly.

Math Websites

www.mathrocket.com- Math Games



Reading Websites

Directions: Pick one reading activity and do it for at least 20 minutes.

    1. Read your current Reading Counts book

    2. Read something you have at home to a family member. This could be over the phone too.

    3. Go on Bookflix and pick a book to watch or read. When you get to the page click login and use the username and password below.

Scholastic Bookflix

www.scholastic.com › bookflix

Username: SEWIN6094

Password: HEA11