Shea Starr Bio

¡Hola! My name is Shea Starr and I have been teaching in the district for 20 years. I am passionate about teaching ASL and Spanish, using technology inside and outside of the classroom, and spending time with my family.

This year I will be teaching Spanish I.

My goal is to be of service to my students, parents, fellow teachers, and community.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing people, and I hope I get the opportunity to work with you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at

My Schedule this year 2022- 2023:

Period 1: Spanish 1

Period 2: PREP

Period 3: Spanish 1

Period 4: Spanish 1

Period 5: Spanish 1

Period 6: Spanish 1

Per. 1: Spanish I

Per. 2: Spanish I

Per. 3: Spanish I

Per. 4: PREP

Per. 5: Spanish I

Per. 6: Spanish I