
Welcome to Mrs. Wright's classroom website, where 3rd-graders really soar!

Something special about me:

2019-2020 marks my 23rd year teaching, and I still LOVE it! I would not trade this career for anything else in the world, except for NASA's astronaut program. However, I only became interested in that after teaching. One of my professional goals is to inspire more students to consider careers in science. In 2002, I applied and received a scholarship to attend NASA's Educational Workshop (NEW) for outstanding educators of math and science at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The experience remains the highest point of my educational journey and definitely ranks as one of my proudest moments. I was so enthralled with all that I was learning that I seriously considered getting a second master's degree; this time in biology or physiology so I could apply to the astronaut academy. However, teaching children was still my ultimate goal, so I pondered doing 10 years with NASA with the goal of returning to the classroom afterwards. I figured, "Who wouldn't want to learn science from an astronaut?" Seriously, how cool is that?! In the end, I decided to just use my wonderful experiences at NEW to encourage children (and colleagues) to let go of their fear of science and truly allow themselves to learn it.

PS. I still imagine getting off of this planet, though. For now, however, I guess I'll have to settle for parachuting, hand-gliding or maybe bungee-jumping - you know, something more than just sitting in a seat on an airplane.


Mrs. Wright

Third Grade Reading Logs

Third graders are expected to read for

20 minutes each night and record each

reading event on a monthly reading log.

However, a reading event is more than just

silent reading. It can include any of

the following:

  • reading silently to oneself
  • reading aloud to an adult
  • reading aloud to a younger sibling
  • taking turns with an adult or peer
  • reading and discussing a book
  • reading and writing a response
  • following along with or listening to a fluent reader (Being read to by a fluent reader is how children become fluent themselves.)

Each month, Mrs. Wright will multiply

the number of weekdays in a particular

month by 20 minutes to get the total

number of minutes to be read in that month.

As part of the Pizza Hut Book-It Program,

a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut is

awarded to any student who reads at least 85%

of the time from October to March. Students who

meet 100% of the reading goal each month also

receive a bonus in their payment pockets as part

of our Classroom Economy program.

Our Class Photo

Here we were on the first day of school.

Crazy Cool