Google Classroom and Access

Get Your Google On!

To access Google Classroom, follow these steps:

  1. Have you previously used your school district email ( to sign up for a Google account? If not, proceed to the next step. If you have, you will need to disconnect your school email from your Google profile. Click here for instructions on how to do that.
  2. The district has already created a Google account for you, using you sd45 email address. You will be able to log on to your Google account using your school district email and password. However, you will first need to change your password to something Google compliant. Please click here for instructions on how to do that.
  3. Once you have changed your password, go to Google and "sign in" using your school district email address and new password. *using Chrome as your web browser is recommended
  4. Once you've signed in, click on the "waffle" (top hand corner beside your school email address) and open Google Drive.
  5. Click on the waffle again and open Classroom.
  6. Create a class! Please see the video and other resources below for more information. You'll see that each class you create has a unique class ID number.

How students join your class:

Do not have any students join your class yet, until the consent forms are returned. More information will be coming shortly.

  1. Like teachers, students will sign in to Google using their school district email and passwords. Many students do not know their school district email, so they may need your help. It usually follows the format The first part of the email is what they use to sign on to school computers. Note the "edu" that teachers don't have.
  2. Like teachers, they will need to change their school district passwords to become Google compliant. The instructions are the same as they are for teachers. Click here for instructions.(The easiest way is at school, by hitting "ctrl alt delete" after logging in, and then "change password.")
  3. Students can now go to Google and sign in. (if they get an error message just refresh the page)
  4. Have them search for Google Classroom and go to it. They click the button that says "sign in as a student"
  5. Have them click "join class" at the top of the page and enter the class ID number.

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