Welcome to the fleming Factory

Where's Mr. Fleming?

1-SS Department 7:20-8:08 Prep

2-Room E-296 8:14-9:02 Contemporary American Literature

3-Room F-125 9:08-9:56 Modern World History

4-Room F-131 10:02-10:50 Modern World History

5-Room F-131 10:56-11:44 Modern World History

6-SS Department 11:50-12:38 Lunch

7-Room J-124 12:44-1:32 Student Success Lab

8-Room F-128 1:38-2:26 Civics

Text Message Sign Up:

Modern World History text: @oemwh to 81010

Civics text: @oecivics to 81010

Contemporary American Literature text: @oecal to 81010

You will likely get three texts per week. One text could be the difference between getting a project in on time...or not! Do it!

Mr. Fleming's Contact Information:

Email: cfleming@sd308.org

School Phone: 630-636-2257

Website: https://sites.google.com/a/sd308.org/fleming/