About Mrs. Baskerville

Hello! My name is Meghan Baskerville. Some kids may refer to me as “Mrs. B.” I am very excited to be the Technology teacher at SCJN! I wanted to share with you a little bit about my background. I am originally from Chicago, but I lived in Detroit from August 2015-August 2017. We landed in Philly in August 2017. In the suburbs of Chicago, I was an Instructional Technology Specialist at Joyce Kilmer Elementary School for 16 years! In Detroit, I was the Computer Lab teacher for grades K-8 at Our Lady of Refuge School. Each year has been filled with excitement as students learn and explore new technologies.

As far as my education, I have my Bachelor of Science in Education from Indiana University. I also have my Masters of Technology in Education from National Louis University, as well as, a Masters of Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. I am passionate about teaching, learning, and connecting with others through technology. I believe every student should develop technology skills to help them be successful in school and life. Feel free to contact me at anytime at meghan.baskerville@scjnschool.org.