

May, 2018

May and June are busy months, with various events and end of the year tests. Please refer to this newsletter, along with informational papers coming home to stay up

to date. :)

Ask your child about their fact fluency goals! Students have been challenged to increase their fact fluency if they are not yet competent, and maintain fluency if they are competent. They have been tracking their progress and are making great gains in this area!

The school-wide Geography Bee will take place on Wednesday, May 16th at 6:30. Congratulations to Skyler and Ethan who will represent our class in the Geography Bee.

NWEA Math and Reading assessments are coming up on May 21 & 22 for our class. Students will do this computerized test each of these mornings from 9:00-11:20 (taking a break for their daily special).

Also, students will take the NH A.I.R. test (formerly known as Smarter Balanced) on May 29.

There are two field trips coming up in June for fourth graders. June 1st, we will visit the State House and NH Historical Society in Concord. On June 5th, we will participate in the School-to-Farm program at UNH.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. If you call the school, please leave a message and let me know when would be a good time to call back. I can usually return calls either during lunch or at the end of the day.

or 332-2880

*Donations of cleaning wipes, hand sanitizer, and boxes of tissues are always welcome. J

Dates to Remember:

5/9~ Early Release at 1:15

5/16~ Geography Bee at 6:30

5/17-5/23~ Book Fair

5/21 & 2/22~ NWEA (Morning)

5/23~ May Extravaganza 4:30-6:00

5/24~ Field Day

5/28~ Memorial Day- No School

5/29~ NH A.I.R. Math Test (Morning)

6/1~ Field Trip to Concord State House and NH Historical Society

6/5~ Field Trip- School-to-Farm at UNH

6/21~Last Day of School