Course Information

French IV 2022-2023

McCormick room 174


French IV is a comprehensive course taught with the use of cultural readers, French music and film, and online news sources. Students will be using the target language to communicate either in class or on a specific internet tool/site. Students will be primarily expected to use and deepen their understanding of the grammar they have previously learned. In addition to the teacher, they will be listening to a variety of French speakers from all over the French-speaking world.


The instructional materials used at Hollis Brookline High School represent a broad range of knowledge, viewpoints, and experiences as well as a diversity of religious, ethnic, and cultural groups. Materials support curricular goals, stimulate academic growth, and provide students an opportunity to practice critical analysis while developing the ability to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives. We recognize that at times students and parents may object to some instructional material. If a parent wishes to have their student exempt from the use of any material, such as a video or novel utilized in a class, they must notify the teacher ASAP. It is strongly encouraged that the parent and student meet with the teacher to discuss the alternative material and/or any alternative assignments that coincide with the change in material.

If you have questions about the selection of course materials, please review the HBHS Cooperative School Board Policy IIA Instructional and Library Media Materials.

Course Materials may include:

Problèmes au Paradis by Carol Gaab

Suivez la Piste by Emile de Harven

Superhamburgers by Mike Peto

Le Rat des Catacombes by A. Briotet

Paris Je T’aime film

Assorted cultural videos

Current Events from any of the daily papers from French-speaking countries.


  • Charged Computer

  • Headphones that plug into your computer

  • 5 subject notebook

  • Writing utensil

  • Access to Google classroom


  • Formative assessments (any in class assignments, quizzes, etc) will be worth anywhere from 5-30 points depending on the assignment

    • most classwork, exit tickets, reflections will be 5-10 points

    • most quizzes will be 20 points

  • Summative assessments (tests, projects, etc.) will be worth 50 points


Homework is not assigned as students are expected to complete all their assignments in class. If a student is unable to complete their work during class or is absent, they are expected to come to the next CavBlock to work on it. If this is impossible or they need more time, the student will talk with the teacher to agree on a timely deadline. The only exception to this is "devoir hebdomadaire" for the first quarter.


  1. Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared with materials for class, to respect the teacher and fellow classmates, to participate during class, and to seek extra help (if needed) during CavBlock.

  2. Each student is responsible for him/herself including their missed work or future work they may be missing due to an expected absence.

  3. All work submitted must be the student’s OWN work.

  4. Late-submitted assignments are always accepted until the end of the quarter. Assignments less than 2 weeks late may earn up to a proficient (80%) grade. Late assignments beyond 2 weeks may earn up to a passing (60%) grade.

  5. For the students’ benefit, a “0” will be entered for any missing assignment and will be replaced upon completion with an appropriate grade.

  6. All students are expected to be a member of our class’ google classroom and to check it at least once a day.

  7. All students will use THEIR SCHOOL EMAIL only to access and submit all assignments.

  8. All assignments will be submitted on GOOGLE CLASSROOM unless otherwise specified.

  9. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students. As a result, no additional work (i.e. extra credit) is offered.


  1. Plagiarism is a particular point of emphasis in the foreign language department, as online translators/native speakers are a tempting option.

  2. Intentional & unintentional plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  3. is the recommended website by the department.