
EVALUATION: (See “Grading” page on my website for deeper explanation)

All assignments this year will enter powerschool as either an “Accountability”, “Formative”, or “Summative” grade. The number of points each assignment is worth will vary based on the complexity of the assignment. Simple classwork/homework-type assignments will be entered as accountability grades and will usually be worth 10 points, formative assessments (quiz-type activities) will usually be worth 30 points, and summative assignments (tests, projects, presentations, etc.) will usually be worth 50 points. If you fail to demonstrate proficiency on any formative assessment, what will most likely happen is that the teacher will issue a 0 (with a “missing” tag) and ask you to try again. If on the second try, the student is able to demonstrate proficiency, the grade will be entered as 80% of the full credit, and if you still fail to demonstrate proficiency, that assignment will be left as a 0. Late work will be accepted for 80% of the original possible credit.

Additional note: Each student is expected to immerse themselves in the target language (Spanish). Use of English is strictly prohibited unless permission is granted (“¿Puedo hablar en Inglés?”). Creating an authentic Spanish atmosphere is essential to becoming fluent in the language, and any unwillingness to fully commit yourself detracts from that goal; not only for you but for the rest of the class. Repeated use of English will negatively affect the student's grade