Information and Updates

Welcome Back!!

  • Parents please keep all contact information up to date throughout the school year. It is important for me to be able to get a hold of a parent/guardian if the need arises.

  • Parents if you have a student who is going into Kindergarten or 4th grade please make sure that the school has an updated Immunization and Physical on file. I will be in contact with you if you are missing either of these items.

  • If your child is staying home from school, please call the school to report your child as absent, you will be asked what symptoms your child is experiencing and the school nurse will guide you as to what steps to take next.

  • If your child is taking medication here at school. Please contact your child's PCP for a medication permission form to be faxed to the school. Also all medication is to be brought in, in its original container for OTC meds or in a prescription bottle if its a prescribed medication. If you have any questions please contact me.

Don't forget to wash your hands it is the Number 1 way to prevent any type of virus!

Here is an awesome You Tube video demonstrating hand washing!