

*Robin Dominguez rdominguez2@sandi.net    Students with last names A-L   858.302.3150 ex: 3003 Request to See My Counselor Form

* Christian Velasquez cvelasquez1@sandi.net     Students with last names M-Z  858.302.3150 ex: 3027 Request to See My Counselor Form

The Muirlands Middle School Counseling program is here to help students make a successful transition from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school.  Every student is unique and valued at Muirlands Middle School.  We believe in providing support so that each individual can reach his/her potential.

Each student is assigned a counselor by alphabet.  Students and parents are encouraged to seek out their counselor for help with personal, social and educational plans or problems.  In addition, counselors will visit classrooms to lead presentations/discussions, provide academic and social guidance, and lead the matriculation/scheduling process.

Your counselor will advise and help students with school academic or personal problems.  Students may request an appointment with their counselor in the counseling office. 

Please fill out the Request to See My Counselor Form