Muirlands ASB

Welcome to ASB 2023-2024

ASB stands for Associated Student Body.  This means that we are the student government and leadership class that represents the student body, creates fun and insightful events for students, manages clubs, organizes dances, oversees student-raised funds, and much much more!  ASB consists of a combination of elected, appointed, and selected students. 

Weekly Schedule:

Mondays - Job Day/Event planning (Everyone is assigned a weekly job and some will be assigned an additional event)

Tuesdays - Ted Talk Tuesdays (Lessons on Leadership)

Wednesdays - Homework Day / Event Planning (Come prepared to show current grades and work on homework or silently read if caught up. Some students will continue to work on event planning)

Thursdays - No Place For Hate (NPFH) Lesson

Fridays - Game Day! (No electronics allowed! Board games provided)