
Classroom Library:

Booksource PSA--How To Use Booksource

ID: websteramanda

Password: owls

Reading Logs & Book Recommendations:

Biblionasium (Class Code: MsWebs188)

Curriculum Information:

Reading will be taught using a Reading Workshop format. It begins with a teaching point delivered in a minilesson to all students. Lessons will include “Just Right Book” selection, building reading stamina, and applying specific skills and strategies to improve reading fluency and comprehension. We will then conference with students individually and in small groups to help them apply these strategies and to goal-set for ways we can work to improve students' reading lives.

Students will learn their Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Level (GRL). Students will progress to the next level once they master the decoding, fluency, and comprehension required. The Workshop teaches higher-level skills such as prediction, inference, empathy, and character and plot analysis. Students will not move to the next level until they prove competency in these areas.

We will be studying many genres and topics this year in Reading. Some highlights are building a reading life, character development, informational text, and historical fiction book clubs!

In order for your child to progress through these levels they must read “Just Right Books," meaning books at their GRL, everyday. Help your child by limiting television and video games, making trips to the library, making sure high-interest books and magazines are everywhere, and talking about books together... All these things will make a magical difference. It will be exciting to see your child grow as a reader this year!

Helpful Resources:

Reading Planet

Raz Kids

Story Bird