Paying for College, Trade, Technical School-Financial Aid and Scholarships

Senior Class Meetings regarding Financial Aid & SHS Alumni Scholarships will be held annually in person. 

One session during the day for students only and another in the evening for parents/guardians.

If you cannot attend please see the google classroom after the session AND reach out to the financial aid office where you are applying for additional help. 

This years events will be held Thursday November 2, 2023 

1:00 – 2:00pm For all students 

 6pm for all Students AND Parents 

Both sessions in the SHS Auditorium 

SHS students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to learn about every opportunity available to them.

Every Fall during class visits with each grade level we discuss considerations regarding paying for trade, technical, college, etc. after high school graduation.

Students are encouraged beginning in 9th grade to research scholarships both through our Alumni, Local, State, National, International search engines/websites.

Xello is a great resource to save information on the programs they may apply to that have tuition and fees.

Each student has an account with Xello where they can take interest inventories, research careers, save information, and look for financial aid.

Senior Year is when most Local and our SHS Alumni Scholarship applications are available for students to begin applying to.

All information is posted the Google Classroom and Google Calendar.

Applying as early as possible for federal financial aid and submitting any additional applications through their institutions in their senior year is important. 

The Salem Alumni Association Website and the Local Scholarships Google Doc  are a large source of support for students and provide better odds of receiving them since they are not necessarily competing  "nationally" for these scholarships. 

Most of the applications have several steps including required recommendation letters. Students are encouraged to research them beginning in 9th grade so they are best prepared when they are seniors.

Seniors are prompted throughout the year to meet deadlines. The Alumni deadlines are typically late Winter early Spring.