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Curriculum is best explained as the specific courses designed by a district to teach children during their K-12 school years. Each course designed by the staff at SAD4 is aligned with state and/ or national standards that serve to direct course content. To help families better understand specific educational terms, the Maine Dept. of Education has created a web based Glossary. On that glossary site, the DOE defines curriculum as follows:


Organized system of learning composed of three main categories: content, instruction, and assessment. The curriculum describes the structure of a School Administrative Unit’s (SAU’s) system of learning of content, skills, and habits of mind, as guided by state standards. The curriculum also describes the system of assessment of state and local standards. It is a “map” of how learners will meet and address each of the standards. It is the responsibility of each SAU to develop and adopt its own curriculum.

Each instructional course taught at SAD4 has a defined curriculum. To view any specific curriculum, click on the "Grade & Course Curricula" link in the menu on the side.

For PCHS, the course offerings are updated each year and located at the link below called Program of Studies.. The document contains important information about course sequences, credit requirements, graduation requirements and much more. It is important that all students and parents familiarize themselves with it.