About me

I obtained a BEng in Civil Engineering from Ryerson University (1997) and MASc in Environmental Engineering from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto. The MASc research, completed under supervision from Prof. Barry Adams and Prof. James Li, included the development and application of a screening level model for evaluating the potential of real time control (RTC) in urban drainage systems.

Following the Masters degree, I worked as a project specialist at XCG Consultants in Oakville, Canada, where I participated in a wide variety of projects, including:

    • Development and implementation of sewerage systems models for:

o A conceptual design of a combined sewer overflow (CSO) storage tunnel,

o Capital works programs to provide protection from basement flooding,

o A strategic plan to reduce the risk of overflows due to sanitary collection system equipment failures, and

o Long-term regional CSO control strategy.

    • Development of computer models for evaluation of hydraulic performance of wastewater treatment plants, and for evaluation of CSO storage/treatment facilities. This also included developing, evaluating and assisting in implementation of wet weather flow monitoring and sampling plans.

    • Review and assessment of high rate CSO treatment technologies within a regulatory framework, and development of a process for the systematic evaluation and selection of technologies.

I completed my PhD studies at the Centre for Water Systems at the University of Exeter in United Kingdom under the supervision of Prof. Godfrey Walters and Prof. Dragan Savic. My research focused on decision support for municipal wastewater reuse, in which I collaborated with sixteen other institutions working concurrently on AQUAREC, a research project supported by the EC 5th Framework Programme. The decision support methodology developed in this research took into account the interactions that exist between the individual water reuse scheme components (treatment trains, distribution system and end-users of reclaimed water) in evaluation and selection of most promising design alternatives. Comprising of a simulation and optimization components, the decision support system (DSS) also provides a user-friendly platform (WTRNet) for evaluation and optimization of integrated water reuse schemes.

I joined the Department of Civil Engineering at Ryerson University in 2008, as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Water Resources, where I have been teaching and conducting research.

Contact Details

Department of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science

Toronto Metropolitan University

350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3

Tel: 1-416-979-5000 ext. 556462 Fax: 1-416-979-5122
