Grade 2 ART

The first through third grade students at Lincoln and Washington Schools receive art classes once a week.  The art projects focus not only on art production, but also art history, art criticism and art aesthetics.  The students have the opportunity to learn about a variety of artists and art styles, along with art production skills.  Other areas of importance include: “Art in Everyday Life,” The Elements of Art, Principles of Design, Multicultural Art, Color Theory and following directions.


Art Room Highlights:

-Student's are to have a smock for art class.

-“Artists of the Month” Program: Three artists are chosen monthly and

 their artwork is displayed by the main office on the “Artists of the Month” 

 bulletin board.

-We are looking forward to a very creative year in the Art Room!!!

-Please join us at our annual Art Show in the spring!

Square 1 ART, PTA Fundraiser

Starting in September, all of the students at Lincoln and Washington Schools will have fun creating an artwork for the Square 1 ART Fundraiser. The artwork will be sent to the company and families will have the opportunity to order the artwork on a variety of different items, such as mugs and tote bags. Keep an eye out for order forms that will be sent home this fall.