Welcome to the school health page

Meet the Nurse:

Monica Furrow BSN RN

Mornings (SES): 548-2317 ext. 3010

Afternoons (SDMHS) 548-2313 ext. 4363

Fax: 548-2329


Welcome to the R.S.U. #20 School Health Services web page!

For up to date information about the Coronavirus from the Maine CDC: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus.shtml

RSV information https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/documents/RSV-FS.pdf


All students entering 7th grade for the 2023-2024 school year will need to receive a dose of Tdap (tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis) vaccine and all students entering, advancing, or transferring into 7th grade and 12th grade must have proof that they have the age appropriate meningococcal vaccines (MCV4) serogroups A, C, W, and Y before attendance is allowed. Schedule your appointment with your primary care provider today.


 I love working with your children, and am dedicated to their health and well-being.

A little about the role of the school nurse…

In Maine, the school nurse is a registered professional nurse certified with the Maine Department of Education.  The school nurse strengthens and facilitates the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children. The major focus of school nursing services is the prevention and treatment of illness and disability, and the early detection and correction of health problems. The school nurse is uniquely qualified and knowledgeable in preventive health, health assessment, and referral procedures.

On any given day, you will find the school nurse:

 • Assessing and following up on acute and chronic health issues

• Screening students vision and hearing in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or as requested by their teacher (parents can opt-out)                                                       

• Coordinating and administering medications to students

• Tracking immunizations

• Managing communicable diseases for the school

• Writing and revising school health policies to reflect best evidence-based nursing practice

• Managing medical emergencies at the school

• Educating staff (e.g. training staff regarding student’s health issues, emergency medication adminsitration)

• Coordinating and collaborating with parents, community health providers, and others, relating to the above functions.

Our school physician, Daphne Lang, MD from Stockton Springs Regional Health Center, is available to the nurse for consultation and advisory services.

I ask that you please keep the school updated on any changes in your child’s medical condition throughout the school year so that we may keep our students as safe and as healthy as possible while at school.  These changes could include, but are not limited to new or discontinued medications, a newly diagnosed medical condition, a temporary change in your child’s health status (i.e broken bones, surgery, recovery from surgery, etc), hospitalizations, illnesses or any other information you think might be helpful for us to know.  It is extremely important to have updated emergency phone numbers on file at school.

Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to working with you and your child(ren)!


5210 Let's GO!!

5 or more fruits & vegetables 

2 hours or less recreational screen time* 

1 hour or more of physical activity 

0 sugary drinks, more water & low fat milk

Searsport District Middle High School was recognized as a 2021-2022 Let's Go! Silver Site

As part of the get healthy initiative, we have 2 goals for this school year.

-Limit sugary drinks; provide water

-Provide opportunities to get physical every day.