Science is a verb.

What will you discover?

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NRCM Project:

Our MMS Field Guide, a work in progress to catalog the species in our backyard!

Blog Post #1

Blog Post #2

Blog Post #3

UPDATE: May 23rd we will make an impact for climate and forests! We are working with Project Canopy to plant one tree per student around our school pond!

Lexus EcoChallenge

Lexus Eco Challenge Update: Although our teams were not finalists, we can still take our projects and ideas to the next level in our community! May 29th, half our team will be releasing our salmon into Bond Brook in Augusta and touring a state fish hatchery, while the other half will be going to Pleasant Point Park on Salmon Lake to help spread erosion control mulch and other plantings, play lake smart games, learn fly fishing techniques! Both groups will contribute to our overall lake and river health and biodiversity!!!