Topic 4: The Rock Cycle

1. Rewrite the learning goals for topic 4

2. Complete a triple entry or practice using the Rock Cycle Quizlet

3. Begin evidence #1!


How do rocks change from one type to another?

How do rocks show the history of the Earth and how it has changed?

Download the Capacity Matrix at the bottom of the page for this unit.


Level 2: Knows the three different types of rock. Knows the terms geology and fossils. Knows the components of the rock cycle.

Level 3: Understands the rock cycle. Understands how fossils are formed in sedimentary rock.


Evidence 1 and 2. ROCK TYPES:

basalt columns in Idaho

Learning Target: I can identify the three types of rocks and describe their characteristics.

Procedure: read the printed articles OR visit the following websites

CLICK HERE!!! Rocks and the Rock Cycle Interactive

Evidence #1: Choices include while reading: complete the flow chart OR make a concept web OR make an outline OR make a poster OR make a slideshow of the different types of rock. (Download the flow chart, outline, and Rock Types Criteria below).

Evidence #2 Complete the Rock Classification Lab to demonstrate your understanding of the different rock types. THEN Use the following website as a Key to help you identify each rock: CLICK HERE!!! Rock Identification Key


Evidence 3. ROCK CYCLE:

Learning Target: I can illustrate the components of the rock cycle to show how rocks can change.

Procedure: visit the following website and take the quiz on the website. Print your score!

1. Interactive Diagram: click on complete the cycle and take the quiz (test your skills) and print it!

2. Rock Cycle Interactive (Level 4) waiting for the website to update...


Rock Cycle Animation

Study Jams: Rock Cycle

Evidence #3: Choices include while reading: Create a concept web with a summary of the process (download the document below) OR create your own diagram, poster or model. You may work with a partner or independently.


EVIDENCE 4. FOSSILS: Imprints of the Past

Learning Target: I can define fossil and explain how fossils are formed in sedimentary rock.

Procedure: Visit the following websites and videos or read the printed article.


1. Fossils Intro CLICK ON VIEW its a slideshow

2. Fossils For Kids

3. Discovering Fossils (Level 4 reading)


1. How Fossils Form

2. Becoming a Fossil

2. Trace Fossils in the Grand Canyon

THEN, create your own fossil OR use a picture of a fossil OR bring in a real fossil. Follow the "Fossils: Imprints of the Past" procedure (download below). Then, write a creative short story of how the fossil formed.

Evidence: Fossils and Creative short story of how the fossil formed.



Once you have completed the above assessments, you may take the Quiz. Demonstrate a 90% or better to show proficiency of the standards.

Review Video: Rocks and The Rock Cycle

QUIZLET: Rock Cycle Quizlet


5. Level 4 Assessment Choices

Choices Include: Home Rock Collection OR Travel Journal OR Famous Rock Formations Postcards

A. Home Rock Collection

Collect local rocks and create a display using a box or egg crate. Your collection must contain at LEAST 2 rocks for each category (sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic). You could also include fossils! Create an index card for EACH rock with the following information:

  • Description of where the rock was found
  • How the rock originally formed (part of the rock cycle)
  • Defining characteristics (what it looks like and what it is made of)

B. Travel Journal

Create a travel journal with at least 8 entries from different countries. Conduct independent research about the different types of rocks that are found around the world!

Your journal must include AT LEAST:

  • 2 Entries of Sedimentary Rocks
  • 2 Entries of Igneous Rocks
  • 2 Entries of Metamorphic Rock
  • 2 different Fossils

Each entry should include:

  • Description of where the rock was found
  • How the rock originally formed (part of the rock cycle)
  • Defining characteristics (what it looks like and what it is made of)

C. Famous Rock Formations Postcards

Research famous rock formations that exist around the world. Create artistic postcards for each rock formation (at least two for each type of rock and 2 fossils, 8 total). Each postcard should contain the following information:

  • Description of where the rock formation can be found
  • How the rock originally formed (part of the rock cycle)
  • Defining characteristics (what it looks like and what it is made of)