Academic Support

Academic Support

Dear Students:

Welcome to the another NEW school year! We hope you are ready for the start of a great one! If you are new to Reedsburg Area High School (RAHS) or a returning student we want to take just a few minutes of your time to tell you, or remind you, about some of our expectations and policies. Our goals are to help you achieve the best possible education and to prepare for career choices you want to pursue after high school. We have shared many experiences with you and our former students, in other words, we know what works and we can assist you in many ways. We hope to be able to do that for you during the school year!

You have an Academic Support hour or study hall because of at least, one of the following reasons:

  • You and/or your parents have requested an “academic support hour” during your annual IEP and one has been added to your schedule because you have an IEP.

  • Your SLD teachers believe you need one to be successful in school.

So the expectation is that you need this time in school to complete school work.