Classroom Information

Classroom Rules

*Honesty: It's better to admit your mistakes than lie.

*Respect others: Be kind with your words and actions toward them and/or their belongings.

*Listen Carefully and work quietly.

*Raise your hand before speaking in class. Be patient and wait your turn when asking for help.

*Work should be neat and proofread for errors.

*Remember to turn in your homework on time.

Homework Policy

If a child gets a D or F on any assignment or test (except Spelling), he/she can correct the paper as long as it is done with a colored pencil and the page from the text where the concept is discussed is included on the corrections. If the student is willing to take the time to do the corrections, I will take the time to grade it again. I then average the 2 scores for the correction grade.

Grading Scale

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

59-0 F

5L is using the Dojo system for discipline. A possible of at least 4 Dojos will be given each day. (Parents can sign in to Class Dojo to view.) These rules, along with the recess rules, apply with all teachers and supervisors. Major problems could result in talking to Mrs. Danner immediately. Discipline would be decided based on the situation.