

My name is Vicki Felkel. This will be my 18th  year teaching and my 17th at Ridgeview. 

I attended the University of Texas at Austin where I majored in English and Photojournalism with a minor in Education. 

My husband, Landry, and I have three boys, Sean, JD, and Owen. 

I love the classes that I teach and am grateful each day that I get to share this creative curriculum with my students. 

I look forward to working with them each day. I know it's going to be a great year!

- Mrs. Felkel

Contact Information

Phone: 512-424-8512

Email: vicki_felkel@roundrockisd.org

Room: 567

Open Lab/Tutorials: Tuesdays 3:45-4:30 & Thursdays 7:45-8:15

If these times don't work, please send me an email to set up a time. 

Class Information

Panther Yearbook Staff

The yearbook staff will learn journalistic skills needed to create and publish the PANTHER yearbook. They are in charge of creating the yearbook for the school. I love everything about yearbook (except maybe deadlines), but my favorite part is the smell of the boxes of books when they come in May and letting the staff see their finished product for the first time. 

Tech Apps 1

 This class introduces students to computer basics and a wide range of digital media and applications. Our four units of study include Computer Basics, Graphic Design, Animation, and Coding Basics. In tech apps we get to explore different softwares and do creative projects. I am currently loving using Adobe Illustrator and can’t wait to share all the options for creating graphics. 

Tech Apps 2

This class dives deeper into the content from Tech Apps 1. We will be working more collaboratively and doing more project based learning with various softwares.