Grading Policies

Grading Policies

A note about academic plagiarism... I have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. If work is found to be plagiarized either from the internet, a peer, or any other source, the assignment will receive a permanent score of 0, and the student will be referred to his or her principal.

Gradebook Categories

AP English III

Daily Grades 40%

Major Grades 45%

Multiple Choice 15%

AP Make-Up Policy

If a student receives a score of below a 70 on any assignment, he or she may elect to redo the assignment or an equivalent assessment provided by the teacher one time.

This retake must be completed within five calendar days, unless otherwise specified by the teacher.

Additional practice or tutoring may be required before a retake is permitted

The maximum score that can be earned for a retake is a 70.

AP Late Work Policy

Formative/Daily Grades

If a student is absent, formative grades are due the class period immediately following the absence.

Students have five calendar days to submit late formative assignments for a score of up to a 70.

Late formative assignments will not be accepted after the due dates of correlating summative assignments have passed. (An outline, for example, will not be accepted after its corresponding essay.)

Summative Grades

With few exceptions, summative assignments are due on time whether a student is present in class or not.