Grading Policies
Orchestra Grading Policies
Fine Arts
● The Fine Arts Department will give a minimum of one grade per week and no more than 3 grades per week.
● Missing work will receive a zero as a grade until work is received or made up. If students' averages are consistently failing during the grading period, the teacher will have a conference with the student.
● Students showing mastery of the subject but missing a limited number of assignments may have missing zeros reconsidered or dropped at the teacher's discretion at the end of the grading period.
● Students may make up missing or failing work through the end of the grading period for a passing grade.
The amount of credit that can be earned will be determined by the subject's teacher due to the differing nature of Fine Arts subjects.
● Performances - Students who notify teachers with ample time that they will miss a performance will be given an alternative assignment that can be made up for full credit. Students who are unexcused from a performance will be given an alternate assignment that can be made up for 70% of the grade.
Emergency absences will be treated as excused absences.
Refer to individual teacher handbooks or performance contracts for specifics.