

TO: Nellie Bly, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, John Spargo, Lincoln Steffens, Staff Writers

FROM: Samuel McClure, Editor

RE: Next Issue of McClure's Magazine

Our society has fallen into the depths of despair. We must expose the many social injustices that inflict our nation to the public so that we can initiate reform. Our next issue is critical; we need to include compelling stories that will create public outrage, so something will be done about them. I have compiled a list of stories that I want you to cover:

Nellie Bly - Triangle Factory Fire

Jacob Riis - Tenement Housing

Upton Sinclair - Public Health (Meat packing Industry)

John Spargo - Child Labor

Ida Tarbell - Big Business

Lincoln Steffens - Corruption of Political Officials

Your deadline is in 3 days, good luck.


Samuel McClure