Artist Statement

I put my heart and soul into my art and it's taken me places I would not have dreamed.

I have found that the act of creating is my true passion. Each piece is a journey of feelings and emotions from beginning to completion. Whether it's a sculpture or a drawing it still comes from within me. When it comes from the soul it shows in the finished piece.

My favourite medium is wood when it comes to carving faces. It's warm natural tone offers a good base for my characters. The type of wood can also add to the overall mood of the piece. A fine smooth grain can add softness where a more pronounced grain can add a harder life and age in the face of the piece.

As an artist I am constantly learning and developing my abilities. In the last few years I have started my drawings, egg tempera and acrylic paintings. Landscapes mainly. It's giving me another perspective on my art that will bring me to a new level as an artist in both sculpture and flat art.